Deadlines badge walkthrough


January 7, 2013 by JL Walker


  • You
  • A group of friends or acquaintances

You’ve started your adventure and your character has completed the first step and earned your first badge. But some time has passed since completing that step and you need to continue the journey. It’s time to set a deadline.

Deadline badge with clock

Clock image from Wikimedia Commons

This level is actually very easy. Just pick a date that should leave enough time for paperwork to be sent across several timezones multiple times. Then, publicly declare the date. This can be done on a blog, a social network site or using old-fashioned methods such as telephone and face-to-face meetings. Doing so will make you more likely to stick to the deadline because it will harder to procrastinate when your friends, family and acquaintances are privy to your deadline.

That’s it! Upon completion, you will receive the following message: Congratulations, you have now received your second badge! Keep working hard and move on to another badge. You’re one step closer to achieving your goal.

One thought on “Deadlines badge walkthrough

  1. […] The pesky countdown I added to this site has counted itself all the way down. That means the deadline I had set has arrived. And I have no completed application to show for it. Uh […]

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